Medical examination gives the most valuable presents, health.


Medical Examination Center

Medical Examination

- Cancer detection cases until 2018, February : 176 cases

Central Hospital's early cancer detection system is directly examinated by the self-operated central laboratory and diagnostic laboratory medicine specialist. If the primary examination results may be detecting cancer, we proceed a detailed examination for a more accurate diagnose.

- Comprehensive screening online reservation system

We are registering by two kinds of online reservation reception systems, via our website and the patient’s smartphone. When a patient registers an online reservation, our Medical Examination Center’s manager calls you directly. So please leave your contact informations when registering online.

11 types of differentiated Comprehensive Medical Examination

화면을 옆으로 밀어서 확인해주세요.

No frills Type Program formed with basic tests of the most common diseases that occurs in Korean the body. Questionnaire, basic examination (height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, body composition test, obesity test), abdominal ultrasound, chest radiography, electrocardiogram, vision test, intraocular pressure, eye ground, gastroscopy, renal function test, thyroid blood, general blood, hyperlipidemia test, liver function test, diabetes test, urine, tumor markers (liver, colorectal, pancreatic cancer), hepatitis type B,C test, syphilis test, gout test, CRP, RA, mammography (female), cervical cancer (thin prep) , bone density test
No frills Type Male 42만원 전립선암 종양표지자(PSA) 추가
Female 45만원 유방촬영, 자궁경부암 검사, 난소암 종양표지자(CA125) 추가
Complete Type Heart Male 77만원 No frills type + Cardiac CT (non-enhanced), carotid ultrasound, cardiovascular blood test(may check CK-MB, Troponin-I, NT Pro BNP, D-dimer, Homocysteine)
Female 80만원
Respiratory system Male 62만원 No frills type + Lung CT, lung function test, lung tumor marker(check NSE, SCC)
Female 65만원
Digestive system Male 60만원 No frills type + Abdominal CT, colonoscopy, thyroid ultrasound
Female 63만원
Main cancer Male 75만원 No frills type + Thyroid ultrasound, lung CT, brain CT, prostate ultrasound (male), breast ultrasound (female), uterine ultrasound (female), HPV DNA test (female), colonoscopy
Female 89만원
Brain Male 112만원 No frills type + Brain MRI, brain MRA, carotid ultrasound
Female 115만원
Marriage expectant couple Male 52만원 No frills type + Male hormone test, lung CT (male), prostate ultrasound (male), ovarian cancer marker, prostate cancer marker, female hormone test, uterine ultrasound (female)
Female 70만원
Women complete Female 60만원 No frills type + Female hormone test, uterine ultrasound, breast ultrasound, thyroid ultrasound, HPV DNA test, brain CT
Obesity Male 35만원 No frills type + Abdomen CT
Female 40만원
Premium 1 Type Brain Male 240만원 No frills type + Colonoscopy, sleep endoscopy, heart CT, carotid ultrasound, thyroid ultrasound, prostate ultrasound, breast ultrasound, uterine ultrasound, HPV DNA test, lung CT, brain MRI, brain MRA, arteriosclerosis test, allergy blood test, lung function test, dentistry consultation (panorama shooting)
Female 260만원
Premium 2 Type Brain, Spinal, Joint Male 300만원 No frills type + Colonoscopy, sleep endoscopy, heart CT, carotid ultrasound, thyroid ultrasound, prostate ultrasound, breast ultrasound, uterine ultrasound, HPV DNA test, lung CT, brain MRI, brain MRA, arteriosclerosis test, allergy blood test, lung function test, dentistry consultation (panoramic photography), cervical, lumbar anterior/lateral imaging, knee anterior/lateral imaging, 2 selections of MRI(among lumbar/cervical/left knee/right knee/left shoulder/right shoulder)
Female 320만원

Medical Team

  • 문준일

    Chief of the Gastroenterology department

    Moon Junil


    Digestive disease diagnosis(Circulatory and respiratory system diagnosis available), Gastrointestinal tract(stomach/colon) disease, Liver disease, Pancreaticobiliary disease

  • 이무현


  • 임병철


  • 이준덕


  • 구지훈

    Head of education and training Cardiology

    Ku Jihun


    Treatment of circulatory (heart) diseases (digestible) Arteriosclerosis, angina, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, high blood pressure

  • 권지숙

    Chief of the Internal Physical Examination department

    Kwon Jisuk

    Internal Physical Examination

    Specialized diagnosis and treatment of digestive trouble, specialized in gastrointestinal endoscopy, gastrointestinal tract(stomach/colon) disease, pancreaticobiliary disease

  • 김민기

    Head of the Department of Laboratory Medicine Center

    Kim Mingi

    Laboratory Medicine

    Clinical chemistry, blood gas, POCT(point of care testing), blood bank, urine microscopy, stool guaiac test, internal/external quality control, certified as a trusted and excellent laboratory

  • 성기열

    Medical Advisor

    Seong Giyeol


    Plain roentgenography(X-ray), computerized tomography(CT), magnetic resonance imaging(MRI), ultrasound(US)